Nike GT Cut 2
Retouching and Blur FX.
A project we did for the agency Victory where we needed to apply motion blurs in post. This approach had the most control over the look and feel of the blurring versus being stuck with would have happened if they went with shutter drag in camera. Also, a lot of retouching to clean up the spaces.
Nike Victory GT Cut 2
Agency: Victory
Creative Dir: Mario Soriano
Exec Prod: Davin Black
PM: Kathleen Hegarty
Photog: Johnnie Izquierdo with Jesse Lirola on DJ Wagner
Retouching and Blur FX:

In order to achieve this look without there being a "halo" around the athlete we have to remove them from the background a decent amount. It does not have to be perfect because of the blurring that will happen. But it does bring a nice crisp outline to the athletes.

Before and after for a sense of the scope of the cleanup happening.