Deliberate Acts of Stillness II
Photographs from Oceanside, Oregon. June 2023

For this personal project, I wanted to reconnect with a slower photography process like back when I used to work with large format cameras.  The slower method where one had to work more with direct intent since you only had a few frames with you and not 500 gigs to blow through.  Also, I wanted to get away from the ubiquitous 20-26mm lenses that phone cameras have flooded the visual field with. I came up with using a 70-200 lens and either using a very shallow Depth of Field or a Neutral Density filter to get my exposures up to 30 seconds.  Using the ND filter reminded me very much of large format work.  Compose, expose normally, then take the time to thread the ND filter on and fire the remote trigger and hope for the best. Very slow, very deliberate.

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